
You can add validations to each field and pass validations using options in the createFormModel API. Field validations can be defined in multiple ways.

Default way of adding validation#

Validations can be passed as an array. Currently, required, email and number are available by default.

const TodoForm = createFormModel(
title: types.string,
description: types.string,
user: types.string,
validation: {
title: 'required',
description: 'required',
user: ['required', 'email'],

Adding validators#

You can also add more validators:

minLen: (value: any) => ({
valid: typeof value === 'string' && value.length > 3,
message: 'Input should be more than 3 characters',

Custom function#

const TodoForm = createFormModel(
title: types.string,
description: types.string,
validation: {
title: ['required'],
description: (value) => {
if(!value) return "This is required field";